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Creating new users

You can invite new users in the Invitations sub-tab.

The invitation process requires the entry of the new user's e-mail address. This address serves as the primary communication channel for delivering the invitation. In addition, the system offers the option of attaching a personal message that is enclosed with the invitation e-mail.

The invitation process requires the entry of the new user's e-mail address. This address serves as the primary communication channel for delivering the invitation. In addition, the system offers the option of attaching a personal message that is enclosed with the invitation.

Once the necessary information for the invitation has been entered, Safety offers the option to define an authorization role for the new user in the next step. This role defines the scope of access and the actions that the user is allowed to perform within Safety. However, if desired, this step can also be skipped by selecting the "Invite and close" option. This action completes the invitation process without assigning a specific authorization role and allows the user to log in with basic access rights. As soon as an invitation has been sent and the user has not yet fully registered, the user is listed in the overview for pending invitations. This overview makes it possible to track the status of the invitation and take further steps if necessary, such as, sending a reminder or withdrawing the invitation.

The action menu offers a range of options for managing invitations that have been sent. It allows invitations to be resent if a reminder is needed or there are concerns that the original invitation was not received. It also offers the option to withdraw an invitation, which can be useful if an invitation has been sent by mistake or circumstances have changed. In addition, this menu allows you to customize permission roles to individualize access based on each person's role or need within the system. Once a user completes the registration process by logging in, they will no longer be listed under pending invitations, but will instead be listed in the active "Users" section, indicating that they now have access to the system.